
Foundational Leadership Principles

Your people are starving. STARVING. Authentic leadership is needed now more than ever, and your people — all those in your organizational chart under you — are better than EVER at making you think you're "leading." Are you? Or are you managing? There is a difference, my friends...

Inspirational Sales Training

Adults learn so differently these days (ever try teaching computer skills to two or more adults?). It's because we must ENGAGE people in a manner that is innovative, refreshing and with higher standards. Training must be reintegrated into 21st century business such that it's a key piece of your business growth strategy. Do this BEFORE your competitors — this head-start is crucial. Be forewarned - this is NOT your father's sales training curriculum!

The millenial Language - a new culture in the workplace

The explosion of technology in the workplace has also ushered in a new age of communication that has dissolved proximity barriers, increased flexibility and changed the way we work as a team. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of tech-savvy Millennials. [source], putting a strain on many companies to evolve in their processes and culture. Two generations are locked in a struggle - one side unwilling to let go of old traditions, the other insistent upon creating new ones.

The neuroscience behind Sales

Are you the type person that thinks "I could NEVER sell anything!" You aren't alone, and in this workshop we'll teach you that true sales is actually based in good old fashioned neuroscience, not a slick 3 piece suit and gimmicks. 

Unholy Alliances

Weird term right? It popularly refers to an alliance which is perceived as unnatural, unusual, or simply undesirable, sometimes between seemingly antagonistic parties. Think Apple and music! We'll take the time to learn that some of the most innovative ideas have come from Unholy Alliances, and we'll explore where your company or industry can benefit. 

Using Failure as a GIFT

Failure is a part of all of us, each and every day. And typically we view that as a negative, but what if we could flip that script? What if we could actually learn to LOVE failure? This is rooted deeply in the mindsets we each have in things like taking criticism (hint - we'll make that a gift too!).


So you deal with people for a living (welcome to 99.9% of the rest of the world!) and despite infused technology and advancement this "people piece" won't change for quite a while. We will teach you the power of simply creating a Thank You department, a place that plays offense, not defense, on behalf of its customers. And don't be surprised if this becomes so successful that it becomes your highest ROI spend!


Technology is changing faster than most of us can keep up with, and being digitally literate is simply a must in today's New Economy. One of the biggest factors driving the increasing importance of digital skills is that the buyer's journey has changed. Your business and people need to be ahead of that change. 


What is your companies' HQ (hospitality quotient)? Are you using technology to become MORE human? These and other thought provoking questions we cover in this insightful workshop.

How to become more humble

Wait…can you??